International Pentecost Tournament PDF Drucken E-Mail


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Dear friends!

After the great problems with the Corona Pandemie, BBC Los Leones has in mind to organize there  traditionel tournament in

Vienna for the   50th time.

It will talke part at Pentecost, May 2024, Saturday 18th, to Monday 20th, in the Gym Tellgasse in Vienna.

Are  you interesting, please contact the Manager of the tournament.

Erich Fibinger, phone   +43 699 1364 4076

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Best Regards

Karl Kraftel

Erich Fibinger

phone +43 699 1364 4076

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See you later,

good bye, Karl


We will organize this tournament in various categorien:

1) Women - General Division  (no limit)

2) Women - Second Division (lower-performance teams and Ladies 35+ and older),

3) Men - General Division (should not exceed German "Regionally" and Austrian 2nd league).

4) Men - Second Division (lower-performance teams),

5) Men's Seniors 45+

6) Men's Seniors 55+ and older

7) Men's Senior  Age  ?      /                        /

Karl Kraftel

Phone and FAX    0043 1 728 55 82

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Please don't condact me. I have health problems.

Dear friends!

We had invited many teams from Austria and from all the countries around Austria. But we did not get any registrations for Seniors 45+ and Seniors 55+.

We only got registrations from Women, Men hight and lower quaulität.